
Fresh Food

Deliver quality products to tight deadlines at competitive prices. These key attributes for the fresh food industry will determine your business success in this competitive marketplace. Be it packing, wholesaling or trading, the benefits of improved visibility of product and physical distribution provided by our solutions deliver enormous advantages. Make informed decisions across your company and experience a resulting increase in customer satisfaction with product quality control and traceability.

Features for your industry

ERP software for the fresh food industry

Case Studies

D & F McCarthy

D & F McCarthy banner image

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Distribution and Manufacturing

The new system needed to be tailored to D&F McCarthy’s sector and accurate management of stock was a crucial requirement to be met. Stock handling is at the heart of the McCarthys' business and the Distribution and Manufacturing module allows McCarthy to carry this out with ease. For this module, stock management is the hub in which all the software’s other processes work. McCarthy know that they are able to rely on the accuracy of the system.
De Facto's Price List features were another of the powerful attributes of the software that really stood out for D&F McCarthy. McCarthy have been able to take real advantage of this in the way that the system handles multiple price lists and gives them the ability to offer and match price lists to particular customers. Being in the food industry, McCarthy needed a system which could handle the fluctuation of fresh produce and De Facto ERP’s ability to manage catchweights is an essential part of the daily use of the system.

What our clients say about us

The ERP system is easy to use and does everything one would expect. Together we have enhanced it to suit our needs. This has led on to many other innovative projects that are embedded in our business.

John E Fells
Read their case study

I thought I’d let you know that last month was a pretty big record for online sales – over 20% up on the previous best month! I think this figure is testament to the quality of the work done on both sides.

Hill's Panel Products
Read their case study

De Facto has been an excellent partner in producing and enhancing an IT system that is flexible enough to cope with anything we find to throw at it. I’m happy to recommend this solution to prospective clients.

APS Logistics
Read their case study

De Facto Software Ltd.
Epsilon House
West Road
Ransomes Europark


01473 276555

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