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Run flexible standard reports as required
Each module provides comprehensive standard reporting that can be used to select and present standard types of business data. Modules such as the Nominal Ledger will provide their own extended reporting options for financial statements. Multiple versions of each report can be saved and re-run on demand. Key date critical business reports (such as Aged Debtors) can be run retrospectively as of a point in time.
Output reports to display, email or printers in a highly flexible, user specific way
All standard reports can be output to independent display windows, printers, PDF or via e-mail in highly flexible, user specific ways. Information from reports can be simply copy and pasted into external applications.
Design polished, business specific, documents
Each module provides a series of default Business Documents that can be cloned and modified to create your customer specific documents. The design tool is sophisticated and allows all manner of requirements to be accommodated, including polished styling and image handling.
Create multiple document layouts
Each document type such as Invoice or Statements for example can have multiple differing layout options that can be linked to specific business transaction types. Document layouts can be output based on the recipients' selected language options; this can also be used to dictate the language of the data (such as product descriptions) that has been output onto the document.
Configure document profiles
Highly configurable document profiles can be linked to customers and suppliers to dictate how their documents will be output (the layout and format) and delivered. Documents can be delivered out to independent display windows, printers, PDF, via e-mail either as plain text, HTML or XML or PDF attachment. Documents can also be output directly to secure FTP locations either within your own network or to integrated third party systems.
Refresh and build reports in the De Facto® Business Intelligence module
The De Facto Business Intelligence module leverages the tremendous power of Microsoft SQL Server, using its Analysis Services (SSAS) and Reporting Services (SSRS), to report on De Facto data sources. The module is available for systems based on SQL Server 2005 and upwards, with SQL 2008r2 and SQL 2012 offering a wider and easier to use range of features.
Pivot, slice and dice data
Analysis services provide slice and dice data and graphical pivots which allow fast exploration of your data. Reporting services provides on demand, scheduled and trigger based delivery of reports. The reports can be deployed within the De Facto Business Intelligence, SSRS Web Browser, De Facto ERP or any of the De Facto based web sites and apps.
View real-time data in Vistas then “drill through” to the data or transaction
The De Facto Vista reporting tool is a quick and easy way of producing and working with real-time tables of data from within the main De Facto ERP database. Vistas are often used as a quick way of selecting and accessing related data elsewhere within the ERP system. Information displayed within a Vista can be easily sorted, filtered, totalled, sub totalled. The user can also select Vista row and drill through to the data or transaction.
Build Vista based reports with the De Facto document design tool
Vistas can also be output using a self-building report layout, which can be customised using the De Facto document design tool. Vista based reports can be output to independent embedded and display windows, printers, PDF or via e-mail. Information from reports can be simply copied and pasted into external applications such as Microsoft Excel.
Contact us today to discuss your business needs with our software team.

01473 276555