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Manage effectively with instant and timely information
To achieve excellent financial control, the Finance Director must have instant access to timely and accurate information. This is not only to enable effective internal management but also to comply promptly and accurately with external parties such as HMRC and statutory requirements.
Streamlined processes with full integration ensure data is accurate and complete
Configurable streamlined processes ensure data included in management and statutory reports is accurate and complete. This streamlined processing is especially evident in the integration to the Distribution and Manufacturing suite, whereby all types of stock and WIP values are automatically accrued and provided for.
Generate Board Packs in a tight timeframe with confidence
The automatic posting, for example, of stock purchase cost accruals means that supplier invoices have either been posted for stock, or the creditor is still provided for. This completeness of financial control makes it possible for Board Packs to be generated in a tight timeframe, with confidence that all major values have been included.
Preserve confidentiality and reduce risk with user controls
Comprehensive user controls within our Nominal Ledger Software preserve confidentiality and reduce risk of fraud whilst still allowing the finance team to operate efficiently. Journals entries, in common with all financial transactions, enable separation of data entry, approval and posting responsibility, this is provided by the use of flexible batch control and posting.
Reduce errors with set up controls
Errors in data entry are also reduced, for example by restricting posting to nominal accounts from certain ledgers or prompting correct cost centre posting.
Eradicate error prone spreadsheets with powerful reconciliation functionality
To provide confidence and verify control, the comprehensive De Facto® reconciliation function can be used on any nominal ledger account. This removes the need for spreadsheets, for example to provide a listing of “live” entries in Balance Sheet nominal ledger accounts such as manual accruals. Reconciliations can be performed from external sources, especially useful on bank accounts where on-line reconciliation files can be downloaded and processed. As with allocations within the sales and purchase ledgers, reconciliations are recorded as transactions and can be reviewed, revised or cancelled at any stage.
Plan future cash flows using visible future commitments
To control future cash flow the Finance Director will also be able to view and report on commitments, created in the Sales and Purchase Order Systems or Job Costing module, in the Nominal Ledger. To control spending further, purchase order spend values can be used to verify values against available budgets.
Contact us today to discuss your business needs with our software team.

01473 276555