Work efficiently to save time and reduce errors
Flexible Transaction Entry and Processing
De Facto® functionality allows flexible entry and processing of many transaction types. Transactions can also be imported when coming from external sources, either via files or directly in real-time, using the integration services.
Multiple References
All transactions have the ability to have multiple references (including system applied Numbers) with comprehensive descriptions and notes held against both the transaction itself and each line item. These can be especially useful to prevent non finance users having to request additional information from a finance department.
Fast Entry
Like all types of transactions within De Facto, purchase ledger postings can have fast entry configured to minimise unnecessary key strokes with repetitive tasks. They can also be configured to use additional levels of analysis beyond those provided by the nominal, cost centre and costing accounts.
Filing Cabinet
Transactions can also take advantage of the systems 'Filing Cabinet' and Document Management module to store both originating documents and related data and, where applicable, automatically process instance spreadsheets to create transactions.
Allocation Posting
Allocation posting automatically handles the posting of exchange and rounding differences as well as settlement discount postings. These are posted to pre-defined nominal accounts. Allocations can also be reversed and also rolled back for “as of” aged creditor reporting.
Batch Controls
To reduce error, batch controls can be created for any type of transaction – invoices, credit notes, debit/credit adjustments, payments and receipts.
De Facto functionality allows effective entry and processing of many different transaction types:
Nominal posting codes for invoices generated from Purchase Order Processing are defined in Stock Control. Manually created invoices can have multiple codes and cost centres and negative rows can be used if required. Alternatively default or recommended purchase invoice codes and cost centres can be set at supplier level.
Self-bills can be raised either directly or via Purchase Order Processing.
Automatic Payments
User definable criteria are used to identify transactions and suppliers who are due for payment. Approval reports can be produced and transactions or suppliers removed from the payment run prior to processing. The Banking module provides cheque printing or online payment integration.
Payment Posting
Posting is fully integrated with the Banking module with the system offering the default bank account for the currency and allowing subsequent payment file submission and where required cheque printing. Remittances can be printed or sent directly via e-mail and fax.
Payment Allocation
Manual payments can be automatically (using best fit or oldest matching) or manually allocated. Allocations can also be amended later. Facilities are provided for part allocation to allow handling of on account payments.
Contra Accounting
Is provided between the Sales and Purchase Ledgers and is useful when converting a purchase invoice to a sales invoice including mark-up facilities.
Debit or credit adjustments can be processed against a Purchase Ledger supplier including net, vat and gross.
Contact us today to discuss your business needs with our software team.

01473 276555