Distribution & Manufacturing Solutions

Requests for quotation

Seal the deal

Keep track of supplier quotations in your Purchase Order System

Purchase Order System

Requests for Quotation


Particularly useful features for businesses that act as third party specialist procurement organisations

  • No missed opportunities: De Facto® CRM alerts users when a Request for Quotation needs chasing
  • Workflows can be configured for the authorisation, acceptance and conversion of quotations to orders
  • Output RFQs as a simple product-based document or a fully detailed request with comments, diagrams and images
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More Detail

Requests for Quotation (RFQ) can be issued to multiple suppliers and their responses recorded via quotations that are input against the original RFQ. The selected RFQ can then be converted to a purchase order. The Request for Quotation process is especially useful for those organisations that are essentially third party specialist procurement organisations.
De Facto® Customer Relationship Management (CRM) integration shows users the status of the RFQ and alerts them when a RFQ needs chasing.
The conversion of all or part of a successful quotation to an order is easily accomplished with full history being maintained. When a quotation from a prospective supplier is successful the prospect is automatically converted to a supplier, along with all associated pre-purchase history and CRM activity.

Pre-purchase transactions update the 'prices given' information on the supplier record. This can be manually maintained if system quotations are not used. 

Quotation workflows can be configured for the authorisation, acceptance and conversion of quotations to orders. These standard options can be supplemented and further controlled by the use of process status and workflow controlling events.
Requests for Quotations allow for highly configurable output ranging from a simple product based document through to a fully detailed request with additional comments, diagrams and images. As with all De Facto documentation, output design is flexible and can be via email, print, EDI etc. The options used can be set globally and / or defined by supplier using the powerful document profile options.

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Contact us today to discuss your business needs with our software team.
Phone icon  01473 276555

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Ransomes Europark


01473 276555

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