More Detail
The key financial control functionality in the Sales Ledger is credit control. In De Facto®, credit terms are maintained for each customer (or customer account group). The system provides automated credit checking from De Facto Sales Order Software. Only certain users may then release held orders.
Check using limits, overdue amounts and debt level including current and forward orders
Credit control checks take into account credit check history and limits and overdue debts and also checks current debt level including forward and back orders. Other options allow the system to suspend accounts that have been inactive for more than a specified period. Key or blue chip accounts can be set to warning only, to prevent inadvertently being set on hold.
Generate and email reminders and statements
To ease cash flow the credit controller can produce debt chasing lists and generate reminder letters on an escalating basis using templates held in the system. Sales invoices can be generated easily, accurately and promptly (including display of document notes) and emailed to customers. Monthly statement production is also swift and simple. Documents (Delivery Note, Proof Of Delivery, Invoice and statements) can be reprinted, e-mailed or faxed with ease or automatically downloaded on a self-serve basis from integrated B2B and B2C web sites.
Configure Credit Controller work flows using CRM
Comprehensive credit control and chasing activity notes can be maintained as standard and, for those requiring a high level of detail within credit control, a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) workflow can also be configured.
View clear transaction history and separate special debt types
On screen, customer accounts contain a clear record of transactions which can be filtered by period, type or for outstanding along with credit history and ageing, with easy drill down to the transaction. Outstanding debtors reports can be formatted in a user friendly way to show age of debt and also be broken down by multiple Nominal Ledger debtor control accounts for example to separate currency, group or factored debtors. For factored debts various reports and copying of invoices can be configured on real-time or batch basis.
Set user approval rules for trusted users to approve
For additional financial control, sales ledger process controls can be defined. These are far beyond standard user restrictions and, for example, they may allow only certain authorising users to approve non stock credit notes entered over a specific value. Only once authorised, will the system allow them to be posted by other users.
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