Save time and money when you centralise transport control
The De Facto® Transport Management System enables you to run well-managed, efficient and cost-effective transport.
Transport information is centralised for easy organisation of deliveries and collections and streamlined customer service. The load planning window shows clear visibility of space available to be filled and also provides prompt answers to customer queries.
Use of our transport management software allows you to move goods using a combination of own and third party transport. The software displays a list of haulier/carrier prices, allowing you to select the cheapest option.
Required booking and movement documents are produced and the system can also efficiently handle Proof of Delivery paperwork.
Flexible system set up and full De Facto ERP integration allows transport costs to be accrued as incurred and costs can also be taken into account when reporting results by customer or product. This means that a business has genuine visibility of profitability.
Use Requests to Plan Deliveries, Collections and Movement
The Transport Management System is built around individual transport drops or collections known as 'Transport Requests'.
The system can generate automatic Transport Requests for sales orders, purchase orders and stock movements. These can be prompted or manual.
Each Transport Request contains details of the product's weight, size and pallets. It also includes the collection and drop time window, along with any special vehicle or handling requirements, instructions and notes.
Requests may specify haulier and job rates already negotiated.
Create delivery plans using Routes
Transport Requests are allocated onto a Route.
Multiple Routes can be created, each containing a different load/drop list and order for each day of the week.
Routes may be defaulted onto Transport Requests (set at address level in customer and supplier records) or can be selected manually.
Optimise loads in the Load Planning window
Whole Loads are created from Routes in the load planning window.
Faster load building is enabled by defaulting Transport Requests to Routes with the remainder clearly showing as 'unallocated'.
Requests can be moved around easily to balance Loads. Planning and load balancing can be undertaken in multiple units such as weight and pallets. Haulier or job rates may be assigned to the Load.
Automated route optimisation
Routes can be manually optimised or configured to use third party transport tools such as Google® Maps.
For more sophisticated planning requirements, De Facto ERP can be interfaced with Route Monkey in a seamless manner. This will then take into account multiple vehicles, capacity, loading and drop time restrictions.
Maximise vehicle utilisation and reduce costs
Free capacity on each Request, Route or Load is clearly visible in the load planning window. This information can be shown in real-time on Info-wall displays in your transport planning and sales offices, allowing vehicle usage to be maximised with a corresponding cost reduction.
The system holds and compares a number of schedules with individual distances and rate bandings, by carrier and haulier, to highlight the lowest cost solution for deliveries.
Produce transport paperwork quickly and easily
The Transport Management System produces relevant load and drop lists, haulier booking instructions and load costing reports, as well as integrating with the Sales Order module to produce despatch notes.
Each of these documents can be designed using the De Facto document design tool. Where applicable, documents such as the Haulier Instructions can be transmitted electronically via email, FTP or direct to hauliers' systems.
Scan Proof of Delivery paperwork and automate sales invoices
The Document Managment System can be used to scan returned Proof of Delivery (POD) paperwork and then automatically release sales invoices.
PODs are then available to the Credit Control group directly from within the Sales Ledger module and can be made available to customers using a De Facto website.
Benefit from real-time integration with financial information
In common with all Distribution and Manufacturing modules, the Transport Management System is integrated on a real-time basis with the Financial suite. Postings are configured via highly flexible nominal interface tables, which, as well as providing for transport cost accrual postings, can be configured to handle a wide variety of additional postings.
Flexible analysis and reporting features
User-definable analysis and reporting is available from the De Facto ERP Business Intelligence (BI) module. This utilises the power of SQL Server Analysis and Reporting Services to produce reports from both the database and Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) cubes. The OLAP cubes provide instant analysis based on a multi-dimensional model, placing instant answers at your fingertips.
Reports can be on demand or automatically distributed based on pre-determined schedules or triggered via the database to be run as alerts when required.
Contact us today to discuss your business needs with our software team.

01473 276555