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Instantly track stock as it moves in, out or around warehouses
De Facto's warehouse management software enables you to run efficient, well-managed and cost effective warehousing.
Scanned and keyed entries created in mobile devices by warehouse staff are instantly updated in the core De Facto ERP system. This allows central staff to track stock as it moves in, out or around warehouse locations. For example, there is an instant view of the picking status of a sales order so staff can decide whether to change a Sales Order if requested by a customer.
Use 'tasks' to create logical work flows with reduced paper work
De Facto Warehouse Management System minimises paper usage within warehouses. Users scan entries using mobile devices to confirm product, package and location selection.
The Warehouse Management System is 'task' based and allows any number of task types to be defined and linked to enable the system to be optimally matched to your specific requirements.
Tasks can be created to drive a wide variety of activities, such as:
- Put-away
- Movements
- Production output
- Replenishments
- Pallet movements
- Picking
- Stock checking
- Packing
- Production kitting / decant
- Vehicle loading
Create 'task' rules for refined process control
The task-based structure allows a wide variety of user-defined task types to be created, which can be independent or fully integrated into the De Facto ERP system. For example, tasks can be linked to allow a picking task to then lead to a packing task. Large tasks can be automatically split based on maximum size rules.
Tasks can also use 'task rules' to enable control over the way in which, for instance, locations are selected within put-away type tasks. Task consolidation can also be applied to multiple actions, such as picking tasks.
The Warehouse Management System controls and moves both products and packages; a package being a specific container or holder of product such as a pallet. Each user operates with an allocated mobile location (known as 'my load') within a specified warehouse, thus providing total visibility of the whereabouts of all product at all times.
Increase warehouse staff efficiency with prioritised next task prompting
The Warehouse Management System allows default task selection using the 'get next task' command. This is based on the user’s prioritisation and available tasks to be completed. Authorised users may also be allowed to select from available tasks or, if required, to generate their own independent tasks for things such as stock checks and moves.
Training time for warehouse staff is reduced as barcode scanning minimises the need for familiarity with product part numbers or rack locations. Tasks will also allow the type of picking equipment required such as a pallet truck or forklift to be specified.
Automatic system updates (as each task activity is performed from mobile devices) remove the need for back office staff to key in data or separately process transactions.
Enquiries can also be performed directly on a mobile device, such as, product, location or batch. Supervisors may change and re-allocate location properties from the mobile device.
Reduce management time
Warehouse staff can be managed effectively with the system prompting their next task to reduce the time spent in day to day management. Warehouse management can see the current tasks being worked on and can override the default task priority or re-assign tasks to selected users using the management console.
The Warehouse Management System allows users to be given an independent task priority. The system also controls the user’s ability to manually select tasks, park tasks, skip steps within tasks or perform enquiry functions.
Use equipment you chose in the locations you chose
The system can be used with many different brands of handheld radio data terminal (RDT) or mobile devices which can be configured to run De Facto WMS software hosted on a Windows Terminal Server. De Facto will offer advice and work with a preferred partner to supply the optimal solution.
The system works well with both barcode and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) based product and location identification. Additionally, the system can be integrated with a number of other warehouse automation solutions such as voice and carousel based picking systems.
This flexibility means the most appropriate type of device can be used for the particular application. Therefore, exactly the correct size and type of keyboard or type of scanner can be chosen. Devices may be either handheld, truck mounted or static.
Labels can be printed for locations, product and packages directly from the RDT device to either mobile or fixed location printers.
Improve stock accuracy
Scanning of barcodes / RFID tags, rather than writing down or keying in part numbers, leads to huge improvements in stock accuracy. Stock records are also improved by the reduction in paperwork which can easily be lost. The WMS software also reduces the time taken to perform either whole site or single product / bay stock takes.
Optimise warehouse layouts and capacity
The Warehouse Management System supports multiple sites, warehouses, zones and locations. The structure of these can be easily defined within the system. Each location can hold multiple stocking constraints, such as:
- Location capacity
- Mixed Product Restrictions
- Mixed Batch Restrictions
- Location types
- Pick / place locking
- Enables put-away direction
- Reduction in picking errors
- Better batch rotation
- Provision for different storage constraints
- Provision of quick location based quarantine
The structure supports definition of a 'pick face' which is periodically replenished to meet defined criteria such as minimum and maximum stock levels of a specific product. The locations can also define both pick and put-away ordering with both the pick face and wider warehousing.
Real-time financial integration
In common with all Distribution and Manufacturing modules, the Warehouse Management System is integrated on a real-time basis with the Financial Suite. Postings are configured via highly flexible nominal interface tables which can be configured to handle a wide variety of additional postings.
Flexible Analysis and Reporting
User-definable analysis and reporting is available from the De Facto Business Intelligence module. This utilises the power of SQL Server Analysis and Reporting services to produce reports from both the database and Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) cubes. The OLAP cubes provide instant analysis based on a multi-dimensional model, placing instant answers at your fingertips. Reports can be on demand or automatically distributed based on pre-determined schedules or triggered via De Facto to be run as alerts when required.
Contact us today to discuss your business needs with our software team.

01473 276555