Whichever product or service De Facto® is implementing, our project implementation methods have the same consistent approach and key controls. Each method we use has been carefully mapped to enable your team to work effectively on the project without compromising ongoing business. A mutually agreed timetable is set at the start, identifying key milestones within a critical path leading to Go Live.
De Facto’s Standard Project Documents are tailored to be specific to your business and include information gathered during demonstrations and initial discussions. A rolling Project Plan is established at inception and maintained throughout the project lifecycle. It specifically covers the following stages:
This phase builds upon information obtained during the Project Assessment phase. We create a Business Understanding Document (BUD), with additional details contributed by you, to set out the initial information and allow the project to progress.
The BUD identifies the respective project teams, infrastructure requirements and physical or time constraints within which the Project will work. The BUD also specifies any bespoke development requirements and/or the graphical design of Web or App projects. Most importantly the BUD details the project scope, so that the subsequent Business System Analysis (BSA) can be prepared.
The BSA will be prepared by De Facto as a detailed functional specification of the project. This will be signed off by all parties to enable the system to be configured ‘Right First Time’.
De Facto will build and test the solutions based on the BSA specification. After configuration, the solutions will be demonstrated to the client for sign off before moving on to the next stage of the process.
De Facto will install the solutions onto the agreed infrastructure and provide any services required to achieve and verify the complete installation.
De Facto provides your project team with training to enable them to conduct initial acceptance testing. During this process additional configuration changes may be required which will be handled through the same processes detailed above.
Once the training has been signed off, Go Live or switch over planning will be reviewed and fully detailed.
Go Live
The main aspect of the Go Live will be the data build-up of any required static, transactional, historical and content management data, which may involve new manual data entry or repeatable data transfers from legacy systems. After data entry, final testing and user training can take place. Once the solutions are signed off, Go Live or switch over occurs.
Post Live
A review process will be undertaken to refine, develop and integrate the supplied solutions further.
Contact us today to discuss your business needs with our software team.

01473 276555