More Detail
The De Facto® Banking Module contains a central record of all bank and cash accounts in every currency used, enabling quick and easy access to bank details and reconciliation information for all bank accounts. Transactions posted within the Sales, Purchase and Nominal Ledgers are visible within the Banking module. Transactions may also be posted directly to those ledgers via Banking.
View bank balances and transactions
Excellent financial control requires the ability to see cash book bank balances quickly. In De Facto, each bank, cash, credit card and gift voucher account are linked to a separate Nominal Ledger account and can be viewed in local or foreign currency and clearly reported in summary or detail. The system retains a full history of transactions and reconciliations.
Strengthen banking control with
De Facto
Banks must also be reconciled promptly to ensure payments going out are valid and all receipts have been posted. De Facto provides easy-to-use reconciliation facilities for all bank and cash accounts, including the ability to upload bank statements for auto-reconciliation.
Work efficiently to save time and reduce errors
In De Facto banking files can be created for use in BACS payments and direct debit collection. Fast entry fields can be also be defined to speed up transaction entry in repetitive tasks such as posting receipts.
Report comprehensively and incisively
A quick to produce list of bank cash book balances in local and foreign currency allows the Finance Director to manage cash effectively. Detailed bank reconciliation reports can also be produced for compliance purposes.
Contact us today to discuss your business needs with our software team.

01473 276555