More Detail
The De Facto® Nominal Ledger is the focal point to access all financial data for current or prior years. The starting point is the creation of a business specific logical and intelligent, free format chart of accounts and cost centres. Full integration to other ledgers allows users to quickly move from a nominal ledger account enquiry to the originating transactions.
Create well formatted and flexible management reports
Multi-dimensional structures for accounts and cost centres are created in the Nominal Ledger to use as the foundation for well formatted and flexible Management Reports and Financial Statements. These clearly present actual, budget, forecast and historically comparative data alongside commitment and quantitative information.
Strengthen financial control
Tight controls within the Nominal Ledger preserve confidentiality and reduce risk of fraud whilst still allowing the finance team to operate efficiently. Errors in data entry are minimised by restricting posting to specific nominal accounts from certain ledgers and setting cost centre use on nominal accounts to ensure appropriate use. For efficient working, the Nominal Ledger provides reversing, recurring, prepayment and distribution journal functionality. Streamlined processes ensure data included in reports is accurate and reliable including external and statutory reporting.
Work efficiently to save time and reduce errors
For efficient working, De Facto Nominal Ledger Software allows flexible entry and processing of journals as one off, recurring, template or “base on” duplications. Journals can also be imported. Prepayments can be posted automatically, spreading the cost across multiple periods using pre-defined profiles. Automatic journals can be created by the system to reanalyse postings across different nominal ledger accounts following rules created.
Access transparent information in real time
Real-time processing provides up to the minute informed control for the Finance Director allowing instant access to transparent financial information. Highly configurable reporting allows powerful information to be published.
Benefit from a dedicated financial reporting tool
Business-specific Financial Reports can be built using the dedicated financial reporting tool without the need for spreadsheets. Reports will be focussed and intelligent, telling management what they need to know. Reports can include actual, budget, committed, variance and Key Performance Indicator data. Summary information is backed up with detail. To help control future cash flow, purchase and sales commitments can also be viewed and reported on and combined with current and forecast data within the Nominal Ledger.
Contact us today to discuss your business needs with our software team.

01473 276555