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Faster, smarter, better.
Evolve your business with De Facto®
De Facto Manufacturing Software will enable production managers to improve productivity, reduce waste and take control within this critical aspect of the business chain. Accurate management information is consistently available on a real-time basis, enabling smarter, better-informed business decisions, which really empower you to evolve the way you operate.
The Manufacturing Software is designed to handle everything from simple Sales Order based customised kits to complex multi-level bills of materials. Bills of Materials support single or multiple outputs from single or multiple inputs. This flexibility enables De Facto to operate in manufacturing environments where many production systems struggle.
Control production accuracy through comprehensive Bills of Materials
Multiple Bills of Material for a given product can be stored to allow support for differing scale and types of manufacturing process. Bills of Material are fully version controlled and can link to / contain CAD Drawings, CAM files and other associated data.
Bills of Materials can specify appropriate initial and repeat set-up times and waste allowances, along with minimum quantities for yield-based outputs or fixed quantities for consumable items such as set-up spools. Re-usable items such as tooling can also be included and the operational cost of its usage accounted for.
Flexible costing is provided with cost accruals being available for input items, output subassemblies and finished products and the system also allows for configurable apportionment of costs against multiple outputs from a single Bill of Materials.
Generate automatic Works Orders
The system automatically generates Works Orders from Production Planning or Sales Order Software. These clear production instructions form the basis for the work to be carried out by the production team and control the stock of components being used in the process.
The point at which a Works Order is generated for an output product is highly configurable which maximises production outputs and reduces overall costs. Use of the De Facto Warehouse Management System leads to further efficiencies.
Optimise production processes and employee productivity
De Facto production planning functionality allows production processes and employee productivity to be optimised whilst still meeting customer demand and controlling stock levels of finished products. Each production plan can be constructed in either days or weeks and is based on calculated and actual demand, which can then be amended. The system then in (real-time) carries out a Material Requirement Planning (MRP) procedure which immediately highlights any input / material needs. This plan can take into account the lead time for both bought in and produced materials.
The De Facto planning screen is clear and simple to read. Selected products are displayed with their location, current stock level and future stock level including the produced amounts. The 'Auto Fill' option checks all Bills of Materials for required production, taking into account any demand up to the selected time slot.
Information that delivers answers
Having the answer is critical for success such as being able to instantly confirm when stock will be available without having to 'get back to the customer'. With De Facto, the essential information is always clearly visible without the need to open additional windows. This can be extended to make available the same information to customers via De Facto Websites, or send it to them via De Facto (Business Intelligence) automated emails. You can even provide your customer direct access to this information from their own systems via the De Facto Integration Services.
Parameter based configuration
De Facto Manufacturing Software is the standard solution that is optimised to your business needs; utilising the powerful features found within the De Facto Distribution and Manufacturing Suite and the De Facto ERP Platform allow you to evolve your business without resorting to bespoke programming or third party add-ons.
Contact us today to discuss your business needs with our software team.

01473 276555